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Fiki Naki is The Dream of Singles Who Like to Chat

Non Formal Indonesian Version 

Fiki Naki Impian Para Jomblo Yang Suka Chat

Ha ha ha ... , itulah ungkapan yang Saya rasakan sendiri ketika melihat obrolan Fiki Naki di ome tv dengan ciwi-ciwi yang tentu saja selain humble dan cakep-cakep yang lebih penting ciwi-ciwi tersebut gak pakai skip-skip langsung saat lihat muka Fiki. Yang pernah Saya dengar saat Fiki Naki ditanya ketika buat konten dari obrolan di ome tv tersebut menghabiskan waktu 4-5 jam , tentu saja sampai dapat materi yang sesuai dengan kriteria dia untuk dijadikan konten di channel youtubenya. Berarti memang tidak mudah ya mendapatkan lawan bicara yang enak, ramah , apalagi jika ada bonus cantiknya itu sehingga bisa tersipu malu dengan gombalan. Tapi konsep konten Fiki Naki sejak awal memang membuat kaget lawan bicara yang rata-rata dari negara Eropa dengan cara menyapa dan berbicara dengan bahasa mereka. Memang bisa menjadi hal unik dan daya tarik tersendiri jika ada orang asing bisa berbicara dengan bahasa kita. Misalnya  jika ada orang bule yang belum pernah ke Indonesia, diawal pembicaraan memakai Bahasa Inggris, kemudian tiba-tiba bisa Bahasa Indonesia, tentu kita kaget dan jadi makin asyik ngobrolnya kan ?

ютубер-Индонезия-Fiki Naki
Youtube Fiki Naki

Good Moment

Mengapa channel youtube Fiki Naki bisa viral dibanding channel-channel youtube dengan konten ome tv yang serupa ? Bisa jadi moment yang mendukung, selain karena channel Fiki Naki memang ada kelebihan, ada unik dan ciri khasnya sendiri yang mendapat tempat di hati para penontonnya termasuk Saya sendiri ha ha ha … Tadi Saya katakan moment yang tepat, ya karena seperti yang kita ketahui bersama, masa pandemi menjadikan semua orang harus tinggal di rumah apalagi anak sekolahan banyak waktu di rumahnya , waktu tersebut digunakan untuk online cari hiburan bagi yang memang tidak banyak tugas dari sekolah. Kalau yang banyak tugas ya kasihan deh lo…  Waktu banyak di rumah itu juga bagi yang punya kuota. Waktu banyak di rumah itu juga bagi yang masih jomblo ha ha ha…

Cowok Jomblo Jadi Mudah Terpapar Fiki Naki Syndrome

Benar atau tidaknya memang belum bisa dipertanggungjawabkan jika cowok jomblo, suka di rumah, banyak kuota, mudah terpapar virus Fiki Naki ini. Karena pendapat ini belum melewati uji klinis fase tiga ha ha ha.. ( emangnya vaksin covid-19) . Ya, namanya pendapat sih bisa salah, coba siapa tahu pembaca punya pendapat lain, bisa komen-komen di bawah ya.

Sudah jomblo (ntah karena emang gak mau pacaran atau yang baru diputus he he..) , gak ada aktivitas di luar rumah, tidak ada tugas berat, kaya kuota data,  jadinya dengan mudah banyak waktu bisa buka youtube. Saat buka youtube kok nemu diberanda channel Fiki Naki. Lihat thumbnail saja bisa tertarik, setelah disimak obrolannya kok asyik, akhirnya lanjut deh…, setelah lanjut akan cerita ke teman-teman lainnya.

Tapi jika ada yang bilang aku jomblo, aku banyak waktu di youtube, tapi kok gak suka tuh nonton Fiki Naki. Ya bisa saja Anda bukan tipe cowok yang suka hubungan di dunia maya. Ada lho cowok yang lebih suka jika serius sama seseorang dan ingin nikah ya cari di dunia nyata saja yang lebih real katanya sih. Jadi kriteria cowok yang seperti apasih biasanya yang mudah terpapar konten obrolan di Ome TV, menurut Saya lho, sekali lagi ini menurut Saya sih, cowok yang suka menjalin hubungan lewat dunia maya. Kalau zaman dahulu seperti chatingan ntah pakai MIRC, Yahoo Messeger mirip-mirip lah dengan main ome tv. Merasa jauh lebih nyaman di dunia maya daripada di dunia nyata. Lebih pede juga sih, bisa jadi di dunia nyata pendiem. 

Sebetulnya Saya pingin banyak cerita di blog ini tentang pendapat Saya ini, rasanya pingin ngobrol saja sama orang lain terkait Fiki Naki, mau nimbrung di komen youtube atau IG bersama para pejuang kawal Fiki Naki Dayana tapi karena satu hal tidak Saya lakukan ha ha..

English Version By ChatGPT

Fiki Naki is The Dream of Singles Who Like to Chat 

Ha ha ha ..., that's the expression I feel myself when I see Fiki Naki's chat on ome tv with girls who of course besides being humble and cute, more importantly the girls don't use skip-skip directly when they see Fiki's face. What I have heard when Fiki Naki was asked when creating content from the chat on ome tv took 4-5 hours, of course, until he got material that matched his criteria to be used as content on his YouTube channel.  This means that it is not easy to find someone to talk to who is nice, friendly, especially if there is a bonus for their beauty, so they can be blushed with sweet talk. But the concept of Fiki Naki's content from the start has indeed surprised the interlocutors who are mostly from European countries by greeting people speaking their language. Indeed, it can be a unique thing and a special attraction if foreigners can speak our language. For example, if there are foreigners who have never been to Indonesia, at the beginning of the conversation they use English, then suddenly they can speak Indonesian, of course we will be surprised and the conversation will be more fun, right? 

Good Moment

Why can Fiki Naki's youtube channel go viral compared to youtube channels with similar ome tv content? It could be a supportive moment, apart from the fact that the Fiki Naki channel does have advantages, there are unique and distinctive features that have a place in the hearts of the audience, including myself, ha ha ha ... Earlier I said the right moment, because as we all know, During the pandemic, everyone has to stay at home, especially school children, a lot of time at home, this time is used to find entertainment online for those who do not have a lot of work from school. For those who have a lot of tasks, I'm sorry for you ... When you are at home, you also have a quota. When a lot of time at the house for those who are still single ha ha ha ... 

Single Boys Easily Exposed to Fiki Naki Syndrome

Whether it is true or not, it cannot be accounted for if a single guy, likes at home, has lots of quotas, is easily exposed to this Fiki Naki virus. Because this opinion has not passed the clinical trial phase three ha ha ha .. (the covid-19 vaccine is indeed). Yes, the name opinion can be wrong, try who knows the readers have other opinions, you can comment below.

Already single (I don't know because I don't want to go out or have just been dumped, he ...), no activities outside the home, no heavy tasks, rich in data quota, so I can easily spend a lot of time on YouTube. When I open YouTube, how come I find the Fiki Naki channel marked. Seeing thumbnails, you can be interested, after listening to the chat, how come it's fun, finally continue ..., after continuing to tell stories to other friends.

But if someone says, "I'm single, I have a lot of time on YouTube, but I don't like watching Fiki Naki," it could be that you're not the type of guy who likes online relationships. There are guys who prefer to be serious with someone and want to get married in the real world. So, what kind of guy is usually easily exposed to Ome TV conversation content? In my opinion, it's guys who like to build relationships through the internet. Back in the day, it was like chatting using MIRC, Yahoo Messenger, or something similar to playing Ome TV. They feel more comfortable in the virtual world than in the real world. It's also more confident, because they might be shy in the real world.

Actually, I want to tell more stories in this blog about my opinion. I feel like chatting with other people about Fiki Naki, maybe join in the YouTube or IG comments with the warriors who support Fiki Naki and Dayana, but I won't do it for one reason, ha ha.

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